Purpose: customising your CV

Below you will find profiles from job ads followed by some brief biographical information of a possible applicant. Based on the job ad, select relevant information and use it as you would in a CV. It is possible to ad extra information.

You do not have to mention "Language skills" and "Education". The applicant has got the right degree and has recently graduated.

Pay attention to "Experience", "Interests and Pastimes" and perhaps also to "Skills". Remember that layout matters.

Exercise 1


  • You have got a degree in Economics (major in accountancy)
  • You have got some (modest) experience
  • You have got an analytical mind, you are accurate and you have got both organisational and administrative skills.
  • You are stress resilient
  • Your mother tongue is Dutch but you are proficient in English

Information applicant A:

A computer wizard he reads about them and builds them himself. He knows everything there is to know about standard software applications and is very familiar with web design. He plays a lot of computer games, spends hours on the internet, can do touch typing.

Student jobs:

  • Free lance web designer (2005 to date)
  • Enrolling new students, Ghent University (September 2005 – 2006)
  • Supplying medicine to pharmacies (August 2005)

Since the applicant has only recently graduated, he will have to stress his first experiences and the skills he developed there.

His extensive computer skills are relevant for this job, since they imply an analytical mind. If he is reading English-medium computer manuals, this can be considered a plus.

You will probably be able to find other connections, so there is not just one right solution. A lot depends on your personal opinion.

A possible CV based on this profile might look like this:

Student jobs

2005 to date

Free lance web designer

  • Developing and maintaining websites for clients
  • Communicating with clients
  • Managing financial and administrative duties

Sep 2005
Sep 2006

Administrative assistant, Ghent University

  • Registering new students
  • Ensuring payment procedure happens correctly
  • Administrative filing
  • Using administrative software

Aug 2005

Medicine supplier, Fast Pharmaceutics, Wetteren

  • Delivering medical supplies to pharmacists in a 50 kilometre radius
  • Planning and adjusting delivery schemes
  • Checking payment procedure
  • Administrative duties

The sections "computer skills" and "interests and pastimes" might look like this:

Computer skills

Microsoft Office, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Accounting software, HTML, Flash, CSS, Java


  • Computers, both software and hardware
  • Reading English-medium websites and books on all things computers
  • Building pc's
  • Internet and web design
  • Gaming
  • Skiing

Exercise 2


  • You are proactive and responsible. You like to take initiative.
  • You can work towards a deadline.
  • You are flexible and dynamic and wish to climb up in a hierarchic multinational corporation.
  • You like to get things done
  • You will provide spontaneous process feedback
  • You are goal-oriented, assertive and sociable
  • You are an enthusiastic, optimistic team player

Information applicant B:

A keen soccer fan who spends a lot of her time in the soccer club or on the field (she organises annual fund raising concerts). She loves going to pubs and often does so.

She has a rough educational ride and has had to redo numerous courses. She hardly ever handed in a task on time and postponed studying until the very last moment. Her ambition is to get rich fast.

She has worked for three consecutive summers as a sales assistant at Foot Locker and the manager is keen to have her again next year. Apart from soccer, she loves hiking and adventurous holidays. She is an active tour guide with Joker Travel.

Because she is not a terrific student, this applicant should stress her salesperson's skills, since these correspond well to the requested profile. If she thinks it might help, she could add the store manager as a reference.

Being a tour guide with Joker shows responsibility and organisational skills. The same goes for the responsibilities within the soccer team. The hobbies of this applicant clearly show her to be assertive, sociable, energetic and enthusiastic.

You will probably be able to find other connections, so there is not just one right solution. A lot depends on your personal opinion.

A possible CV based on this profile might look like this:


Sep 2006
Aug 2005

Tour guide Canada, Joker Travel, Ghent

  • Thorough practical and administrative preparation of the trip
  • Keeping the team spirit positive
  • Ensuring the safety and wellbeing of the participants
  • Being prepared for unforeseen circumstances

Jul 2006
Jul 2005
Jul-Aug 2004

Sales assistant, Foot Locker, Antwerp

  • Offering quality service
  • Attaining sales goals
  • Keeping track of the stock


Active member of soccer club Gooreind VV, Wuustwezel

  • Organising fundraising activities and tournaments
  • Treasurer
  • Attracting new members
  • Promoting the club

Interests and pastimes

  • Soccer
  • Alternative travel (trekking, hiking, eco-tourism)
  • Bike travel